I have thought about this topic for a long time now and after seeing a example of this again at Radio Shack last night it was actually the inspiration to start this blog. I was on the hunt for a new case for my phone last night and ended up at Radio Shack of all places and was helped by a employee that had a metal stud shoved into her cheek. I have seen this to be a new trend among people recently and I have drawn a few conclusions: 1) it makes you look dumb. 2) I can no longer take you serious. 3) The piercing will not distract me from noticing that you had an unattractive face already. 4) I hope you enjoy that scar when you decide to take it out.
Here is an example if you do not know what I'm talking about.
See, she still looks like an alien even with the piercing. Point proven.
Love Scooter.
Her eyes are soooo far apart! and she has a little food stuck above her lip...